AACtivity Communicator & Musical Instrument
Adaptive / Inclusive Clothing (Will & Well)
Adaptive Footwear
Adaptive Switches
Adaptive Toy Car
Adaptive Toys
Bubble Tube
Buddy of Parents (BOP )
Clevy Keyboard with simple layout and colourful large keys
Code Jumper
Communication Books
D. Lit (Digital Literacy) Toolkit
DIY Calm Down Bottles
Digital Weighing Scale with Preset Limit Checking
Flic Buttons
Flip and Communicate Wrist Wrap
GPS SOS Kids Smart Watch
Large Button Phone
NAO Robot
OXO Push Pop Container
Personal Alarm System
Proloquo2go (iOS App)
Protac SenSit Chair
QuickTalker 12
Reader Pen (C-PEN®)
Recordable Photo Album
Samsung VR Gear (Note: Discontinued)
Skoog 2.0 Tactile Musical Interface
Switch Adapted Bubble Machine - Fish
Switch Adapted Fibre Optic Light
Switch Adapted Toy (Thomas the Train)
T-Jacket (Note: Discontinued)
Tack GPS Location Tracker
Talking Calculator
Tobii Dynavox
Virtual Reality - CyberWorld Adventures
Weighted Blanket
ZoomText Keyboard
iTalk4 with Levels