3-in-1 Alerts Timer
4-Choice Sequential Scanner for the Visually Impaired
6dot Braille Label Maker
AACtivity Communicator & Musical Instrument
AMAneo Assistive Anti-Tremor Mouse Adapter
Adaptive / Inclusive Clothing (Will & Well)
Adaptive Footwear
Adaptive Switches
Adaptive Toy Car
Adaptive Toys
Adaptive Utensils
Automatic Door Swing
Automatic Pill Dispenser
Automatic Waste Bin
Banana Fit Positioning Pillow
Bed Guards
Blaze EZ
Boomer Foot Mouse
BrailleSense 6
BrailleSense U2 Mini
Brailliant 80
Bubble Tube
Buddy of Parents (BOP )
Car Accessory - Autochair Smart Lifter Hoist
Car Accessory - Autochair Smart Transfer Hoist
Car Accessory - Autochair Smartbase Hoist
Car Accessory - Autochair Transfer Plate
Car Accessory - Swivel Cushion
Car Accessory – Handle
Cash Reader: Bill Identifier (Android/iOS App)
ClearSounds Phone Amplifier
Clevy Keyboard with simple layout and colourful large keys
Clevy Mouse
Code Jumper
Communication Books
D. Lit (Digital Literacy) Toolkit
DIY Calm Down Bottles
Digital Weighing Scale with Preset Limit Checking
Doidy Cup
Dot Mini Braille e-Book Reader
Dot Pad
Dragon Professional Individual
EazyHold Universal Cuffs
EchoVoice® EV6 Speech Amplifier
ElBraille 40 5th Generation
Elevating Wheelchair
EnChroma® Eyewear for Colour Blindness
Envision Glasses Professional
Eye-Able® Digital Accessibility Tools
Feelif Pro
Flexzi 1 - Flexible Gadget Stand with Clamp Base
Flic Buttons
Flip and Communicate Wrist Wrap
Focus 40 Blue 5th Generation
Folks Chef Waffle Edition (Knife and Chopping Board Set)
Freedom Trax - FT Pro Pack
Functionalhand Universal Cuff
GPS SOS Kids Smart Watch
GlydeSafe Walker
GoTalk Select
Grip Switch Mount
Grit Freedom Wheelchair 3.0
Guided Hands
Gyenno Spoon
Height Adjustable Kitchen Cabinet
Height Adjustable Kitchen Top
Hodokun Guideway (Guidance Mats for Navigation)
Index Braille Basic V4 Printer
Jar and Bottle Holder (Clamp for One-Handed Opening)
Job Access with Speech (JAWS)
Kapsys SmartVision 2 (Note: Discontinued)
Kettle Holder
Key Finder
Knoctify Doorbell
LC Technologies Eyegaze Edge Tablet
LED Light Panel and Art Tray Bundle
Large Button Phone
Leg Lifter
Lensen Drawing Kit
Liftware Level
Liquid Level Indicator
Live Transcribe & Sound Notifications (Android App)
LiveScribe 3
Lookout by Google (Android App)
MagniLink S Premium 2 Video Magnifier
MakerBot Replicator 2
Mantis Q40 Braille Display
Mouse4all for Android
NAO Robot
NuEyes Pro
OXO Push Pop Container
Oneware - Silicone Dishwashing Mat
Open Sesame Touch Free Control
OpenBook and Pearl
Optelec Compact 10 HD with Speech
OrCam MyEye 2
Otter Voice Meeting Notes (Android/iOS/Online App)
PCEye Eye Tracker for Windows 10
Personal Alarm System
Portable and Foldable Ramp
Prodigi Connect 12
Prodigi Duo
Proloquo2go (iOS App)
Protac SenSit Chair
Pull Down Wardrobe Rail
Quha Gyroscopic Mouse
QuickTalker 12
Quickie Wheelchair with Attitude Power Add On
Ramble Tag
Razer Deathstalker Ultimate
Razer Ouroboros
ReTurn Transfer Aid
Reader Pen (C-PEN®)
Recordable Photo Album
Rivo 2 Keyboard
Roger DigiMaster 7000 Soundfield Speaker
Roger On and Roger Neckloop
Roger Pass-around Mic
Roger Pen and MyLink (Note: Discontinued)
Roger Touchscreen Mic
Saebo Glove
Saebo MAS Arm Support System
Saebo Step Foot-Drop Brace
Saebo Stretch Hand Splint
Samsung VR Gear (Note: Discontinued)
Scribbler Nano
See-through Mask
Seeing AI (Android/iOS App)
Silent Alert System
Sittan Rehab Table
Skoog 2.0 Tactile Musical Interface
Skyle Eye Tracker for iPad Pro
Smart Cane
Smart Drive Power Assist MX2
Smart Home Devices
Smart Home System
Smart Robot Vacuum Cleaner
Smart Walking Canes
Solax Mobie "S" Foldable Scooter
Speak! (Android App)
Step-On Ankle-Foot Orthoses
Suction Assist Grab Bar
Sunu Band (Note: Discontinued)
Switch Adapted Bubble Machine - Fish
Switch Adapted Fibre Optic Light
Switch Adapted Toy (Thomas the Train)
T-Jacket (Note: Discontinued)
T-Pull Door Closer
TD Pilot: Eye Gaze Access for iPadOS
TEK Robotic Mobilization Device (RMD)
Tack GPS Location Tracker
TactPlus Tactile Printer
Talking Alarm
Talking Calculator
Talking Colour Detector
Talking Tiles
Talking Weighing Scale
Tap Strap 2
TapTapSee (Android/iOS App)
Tobii Dynavox
Tobii EyeMobile
Tommy the Coding Robot
TouchPoints for Calm
Trackball Mouse
Trackball Mouse with Assistive Switches
TrackerPro 2 Hands-Free Mouse
Transfer Board
Transfer Wheelchair
UNO® Braille
UbiDuo Wireless
Uccello Kettle
Unstoppable Travel Bag Set
Vibrating Alarm Clock
Viewplus Max Braille Embosser Printer
Virtual Reality - CyberWorld Adventures
WayAround WayTag and WayLink Scanner
WeWALK Smart Cane
Weighted Blanket
XRAI Glass (Android/iOS App)
Zoom H2n Handy Recorder
ZoomText (software)
ZoomText Keyboard
iTalk4 with Levels